Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers
just wanna have bright smile everyday ^^

Monday, October 3, 2011

esok cuti esok cuti ='D

hari ni masuk kerja kul 6! and esok C.U.T.I. ok x sabar. kerja dah 2 minggu. ni baru nak cuti. patutnya cuti 8 hari bulan t. tiba2 je akak supervisa eh x supervisor bagi cuti esok. lalalalala. gembira. rasa nak senyum sampai telinga je. lepas keje keje keje n keje bila dapat cuti sehari rasa gembira hati berbunga2. since balik dari UTP 16 hari bulan aku rehat 2 hari je 17 n 18. 19 sept dah pi cari keje. 20 sept dah start keje. cepat sangat kan? time mula2 keje leh lagi ingat lagi paper2 final aku. 

macam2 pengalaman kerja yang dapat bukan sekadar penat je. macam2 perangai orang pun ada. ada yang ok ada yang k.o. biasalah 2 asam kehidupan. customer yang aku served pun macam2 bangsa pun ada. paling penting sabar je la. senyum senyum senyum. buat pekak je kalau customer banyak sangat soal. kita x boleh nak harapkan semua perangai manusia sama kan. tips paling penting kalau korang dapat keje yang perlu layan customer adalah SABAR JE LA.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

entry selepas sebulan =P

seminggu sekali je on laptop
patut cuti lagi banyak masa kan
tapi not this 4 months holiday
saya x bercuti sakan ye
menggunakan masa cuti dengan sebaiknya
dari pagi sampai malam
 bosan kot x buat apa2 kalau cuti E.M.P.A.T bulan
baru start cuti hari jumaat lepas
kawan2 len masih lagi lepak2 kat rumah
menikmati 'hoilday' mereka

malas nak tangguh2
sebab nanti mesti malas

apa yang saya buat sepanjang cuti 4 bulan ni
itu yang kita nak tahu

tata uooollzz

luv luv luv

Monday, August 15, 2011

ramadhan kelimabelas: ramadhan bulan penuh dugaan

alhamdulillah dah 2 minggu berpuasa
minggu pertama puasa sakit
minggu kedua sakit
nak masuk minggu ketiga
sakit lagi
dugaan puasa
tapi sakit masih ok la
minggu ni
depress depress sgt2
xnak nangis
t sakit teruk 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

ramadhan kesembilan : menu menu menu

x tahu mahu masak apa
menu berbuka
menari2 ni kat kepala
ho ho ho

apa ye apa ye
nasi ayam?
sambal sardin + sup sayur?
ayam masak merah?
ayam masak kicap?
sambal jawa?
bubur ayam?

x tahu
kita tengok je la nanti

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

hari ketiga : menu berbuka =)

dari semalam duk terfikir
nak masak apa ya 
nak masak apa ya 
untuk berbuka hari ni
menu2 yang difikirkan
ayam masak merah + kacang buncis goreng
bila pk2 malas la nak masak sayur n ayam len2
pk lak nak masak ayam masak lada hitam@ blackpepper 
tbe2 hari ni
x berapa nak sihat
pening kepala n rasa nak muntah
rasa nak makan bubur carrot lak
haih macam2
pukul 6 - masak ayam masak merah je la
tp tp tp
bila buka peti ais
nampak santan lak
xleh simpan lama2 ni
ok fine
masak lemak cili api je la
lauk sampingan
telur dadar kacang buncis 
dan juga tempe goreng

but still 
masih tidak ada selera makan lagi
sejak semalam
apa la nasib

esok pagi2 buta
seawal pukul 8.30pg
ada test transportation planning and engineering
monolog dalaman
"aku x tahu la
nak jawab apa esok
baca ok
tengok soalan
mak aih
apa kau merepek ni.
ke aku yang x pandai ""

kalau saya menangis esok 
tahu la sebab dye 

Monday, August 1, 2011

hari pertama Ramadhan =)

telah tamat lah hari pertama berpuasa
dan juga terawih kedua
masih bersemangat lagi
go go go Halimahton!!
esok de test!
kul 5-6pm
klas 2-5pm
kelas 3-5pm 2 tutorial steel
yg selalunyer habis kul 5.15
penat nyer esok.
tapi life must go on
[semoga la aku x pengsan esok. hahaha]
selamat datang ramadhan kedua 

luv luv luv

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

simple notes from me to u =)

just a simple advice from me
from my own experience

"don't ever do something just because u see others enjoying it. Do what ever that u like. that gives u the excitement from your heart ,tranquility from ur soul and freedom to ur mind. if u end up doing that u will easily given up and just giving excuses, I'm just too lazy to continue. The true is jealousy just controlling u "

"what ever u do, just have faith in it. even u fail once. try try try  even harder. determination and interest is the main key that will lead u to the right path in achieving ur goal"

be ur self.
try to say to ur self

u r very special my dear
love ur self
if u want others to love u

luv luv luv

i really miss U, Piano ="(

YAMAHA piano that i always play =)

i really really really
miss playing that piano
hu hu hu
its been a week since the last time i meet u!
though i have my own keyboard
it's just not the same feeling when playing the piano
what ever force that ur finger hit the note
the sound will be just the same

for piano, if u r not hitting the note with enough force
u will be surprised that it will not produced any sound!
when u r beginner n  using ur pinky finger @ little finger @jari kelinking la senang citer kan =P

the first month learning it
1 finger = 1 note 
and it will getting tougher and tougher each lesson
1 finger = so many note
ur fingers are like jumping jumping n jumping on the piano notes
its very pleasant sound if u hit correctly with correct timing
if otherwise
the sound is not that nice
as it is piano
what ever sound it produced
it's just nice
[saja menyedapkan hati =P]

sometime u can even get sprained wrist
if ur hand is not at the right position
everything has it good and bad effect

i just love playing it!

Monday, July 18, 2011

kemanakah berat saya telah pergi ?? =P

tanda tanya sunguh dibenak fikiran saya ini. timbang berat, berat bertambah. badanya sama aja. slack, baju kurung semua sama je. muat aja. ho ho ho. musykil2. after 3 tahun. saya telah berjaya mencampai berat yang di idam idam kan iaitu 45! ho yeah ho yeah. hahahaha. after dapat berat 45 kg pun, bmi still x normal lagi. kena tambah dalam 3 kg lg!. huaaaaaaaaaaa~ banyak nya. TT____________TT

well berbalik pada persoalan tadi. kemanakah berat saya telah pergi. setelah minum carrot susu hampir setiap hari selama sebulan, berat saya berjaya ditambahkan. ho ho. hebat juga penangan carrot susu ini. jadi saya bertanya pada nadia. 'nadia2 berat aku bertambah tapi x tahu tang mana yang bertambah tu'. nadia dengan muka apa2 je la membalas ' tambah kat tulang kot. sebab kau minum susu'. leh ea leh ea macam 2 ?? hahahaha. saya rasa berat saya telah pergi ke tulang, x pun ke muscle saya. hohoho. 

apa2 pun segala berat ini tidak pergi ke satu tempat yang amat saya pantang iaitu PE RUT. nasib baik! fuuuuhhh~ masih slim lagi. he he he. penat menjaga perut ni tahu =P. sekarang memang tengah process menambah berat. kemudian akan saya trim badan saya dengan ber'exercise'. dah 3 hari berturut2 pergi berjogging. esok mahu ke gym pula. ho ho ho. semoga la saya berjaya >__________<

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

minum kopi + high fat food = double sugar level ???

di pagi hari sabtu yang hening ni
baru lah saya ada masa nak menaip sesuatu
post yang tergendala sejak hari rabu ni

bagi mereka yang takutkan diabetes akan menyerang diri anda, anda seharusnya mengambil langkah berhati2. kalau tidak buruk padahnya. hahahaha.memang banyak risikonya. faktor paling penting diabetes mesti la kadar pengambilan gula yang melampau2. apa yang membuatkan  lagi penyakit ini boleh meningkat 

kopi + fat = double sugar 

seperti yang kita tahu,

 kopi = kaya dengan caffeine [teh dan nescafe pun ada caffein]

caffeine + fatty food = increase the sugar level + blood sugar level stay longer

banyak betulkan equation. hahahaha

ok mari kita baca sedikit kajian dari salah satu web ini :

"In this study, healthy men were asked to drink about 1 gram of fat for each kilogram of beverage weight. Six hours later they were given the next menu that consists of sugar drinks[coffee].As a result, the subject of blood sugar levels rose to 32 percent higher than people who do not consumes fat.

"The researchers also tested the effect of caffeinated coffee in combination with fatty foods. For this test, the researchers gave participants caffeinated coffee drinks 5 hours after ingesting the fat. An hour later given a sugar drink.
The results showed that blood sugar levels increased by 65 percent compared with participants who did not consume coffee and fat."

tiba2 kan saya terfikir kan ayah angkat saya dulu. dia suka sangat minum kopi and makan roti canai, nasi lemak kat warung tiap2 hari. bila dah tua, dia dapat diabetes teruk sangat. sampai main potong2 jari kaki. and akhirnya kaki dia kene potong. sob sob sob.x akhirnya lagi. akhirnya beliau telah ke rahmatullah sebab diabetes yang teruk. huhuhuh. jadi, kalau korang rasa sayang kan siapa2 yang suka buat perkara di atas ini. tolong la nasihat. anda mampu merubahnya. [eceh~ macam tagline lak. hehehe]

Sunday, July 3, 2011

tips for today : drinks water rite after u wake up

its have been my routine since this past 2 years
drinking water rite after i wake up
after reading an article in majalah RAPI
[its a health, fitness and diet magazine]
i dont really remember what exactly is the benefit 
what i remember is
drinking water rite after u wake up will help ur body to work efficiently
and make u fresher!

in one of the article that i read
 if u do this routine everyday
it will help u to reduce the risk of this disease:

"headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, diabetes, constipation large, all eye diseases, womb, cancer, came in smoothly, and diseases of ear, nose and throat "

drinking water early in the morning will help ur body to start working
and once u eat ur breakfast
the burning rate of calories  increases.
take ur breakfast about 45 min after
u will help ur body to maintain healthy and work at it best

luv luv luv

day nine : 10 ways to win my heart

ok rasa nak gelak guling
im not 'jiwang' untuk bercakap soal ini
may b i just say win my heart in term of getting me to know u =)
[friendship, love]
he he

1. x berlagak 
2. x conrtol2
3. fun and funny
4. romantic?
5. easygoing 
6. im comfortable with!
7. very2 patient 
8. shows a lot of determination to win my heart
9. never give up (my heart is as hard as stone =P) 
10. good education =)

to get my heart in friendship is just easy
but to get my heart in term of love
very very very hard
it takes Years!
u can make me like u
but not love!
not that easy amigos!

luv luv luv


Saturday, July 2, 2011

me and my keyboard! can u guess? ^_____________^

this is my keyboard
Yamaha E 233 

i really2 work hard to get this keyboard
this keyboard worth more than my scholar 
so i have to save money to buy this keyboard
my sis says that she will give me max RM300 if i manage to get Dean's list
and the keyboard price is more than twice the money that my sis will give
so i have to work hard for the remaining balance
other things that i do is
is cutting down the shopping thingy
i didnt buy any shoes, beg, dress 4 many month
[tinggi betul determination jugak aku ni =P]
apa2 pun
i still get this keyboard with my own effort
n guess what
i get 15% discount
ho ho ho
and then price turns into 2 times the max money that my sis gave to me plus RM4
[info tambahah atas permintaan =P]
can u guess what is the actual price??
[just wanna test your mathematics =P ]

day eight : 10 of my favourite songs

i skip 2 days
because im so so so busy
i have to submit assignment, and have quiz n test
so x time to write any post
apologize for that ya viewers =)

i dont know what song do i really2 love
i love instrumental songs
like piano
i kept repeating this songs 4 a like a million time

1) Yann Tiersen - Comptine d'un autre été - l'après midi
2) Ludovico Einaudi - Divenire
3) Yiruma- Rive flows in you
4) Carly Comando - every day
5) Yann Tiersen - Rue Des Cascades
6) Helen Jane Long - Expression
7) Back To Life - Giovanni Allevi
8) Wim Mertens - Struggle for pleasure
9) Dire straits - Tunnel of love (piano)
10 ) Linkin Park - Numb (Piano) 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

day five : 10 wishes

1. my 1st wish is to make my parent happy =)
2. i wish they will live longer =)
3. successful in my job =D
4. i want to buy my own asset (cars, house, etc) n_n
5. i wish people around me will be happy always ^^
6. i hope that my disease will not becoming worse ;)
7. i hope that my back pain problem will not come again =(
8. i wish my beloved sister meet her soulmate =)
9. i wish i can have a bright smile everyday ^_^
10. i wish that i can eat more rice! >_<

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

day four : 10 things I want to say to one person

 i really miss u
 i really2 love u
i really really want to hug u tight 
n kiss
u gives me everything
 gives me live
that the one that i know and started to fall in love
u r are the only one that can cherish my day
and also make me feel bad
u r the one person that i really really really want to say
i really love u 

Monday, June 27, 2011

day three : 10 things I hate

not really hate
just dislike =)

1. orang yang suka mengungkit 
2. anak yang marah parent depan org ramai
3. lelaki yg maki2 perempuan depan org ramai
4. orang yang suka2 hati tuk nenek ja pukul2 haiwan
5. orang yang bejet bagus extreme sgt =.=""
6. orang yang suka cakap2 belakang
7. x suka dikongkong
8. x suka dengar lelaki membebel!
9. x suka orang hisap rokok kat tempat awam
10. x suka parent pukul anak2 kecil sesuka hati

Sunday, June 26, 2011


ni pelakon sinetron indonesia
cantik sangat kan =)
napa kawan2 sekolah saya x puas hati samakan saya dengan beliau
penat saya cakap x sama la!
Asmirandah tu cantik sangat
nak dibandingkan dengan saya
x sama kan 
[actually tengah tension banyak keje ni.huaaaa~ saje mengarut =P]

luv luv luv

day two : 10 things I love

1- all the birthday presents and gifts that people gave to me =)
2. i love playing piano/keyboard [hilang stress. hehehehe]
3. i love vegetable and fruits
4. i love new fesyen tudung and try it on me [but only dalam bilik ja. malu2 >_<]
5. i love beautiful and cute dress also wedges
6.i love to smile
7. i love my momochiro
8. my set of enchanteur 
9. usha kete =P
10. i love love love U =P

moment during fieldwork =)

date : 25th June 2011
day: Saturday
time : 8-11 am
venue: jejantas kat depan UTP
agenda : menyibukan diri =P

well, not really 'menyibukan diri'
what we do yesterday was
volume count, junction and speedtrap
it is a part of the fieldwork for transportation planning engineering  course
it is kinda interesting
but boring
have to count the number of vehicles; cars, heavy vehicle, vans, buses, motorcycle n bicycle 15min  every interval
but the funniest part is
when a big big Mr lorry
horn at us when it is near the pedestrian flyover
we were startled 
and then we laugh

 this is the laser gun!
and this cute little girl is Suhara =)
the speed of the vehicles are recorded 

counting the number of vehicles entering the junction

all of us are counting the vehicles =)

 this is our nicest GA =)

n here's picture of me and of course
not all looking at the camera
because i want a neutral look picture 
[sedar diri x cantik senanya.huhuhuhu]

 focus jugak saya buat counting yer =P

 gambar tengah betulkan tudung pun nak amik 

its so funny??

 counting the recorded motors and bicycle happily =P

 ni memang saja pandang camera =P

ok cukup. xnak dah pandang camera >_<

well, im still tired eventhough it's not really a tiring fieldwork
but im still tired!

credit to all the picture and montage by Azrulfirdaus Mohamad Roshdi

luv luv luv