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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Insomnia?? Eat this fruit! =)

the hottest issue now is about this little 14 years old girl named adinda milanda. but i don't really wanna bother about this girl. let she be. maybe u have insomnia little girl. so i want 2 share the power of this yellowish fruit


a banana!

ya! this tutti fruitti banana will help u 2 have soundly sleep.
one of the research stated that the calium aka potassium contained help to maintain your normal sleep =). in one banana u can have 400 mg of potassium which equivalent to a glass of orange juice or steamed potatoes!. 

it is also believed that banan can help in obstruction sleep apnea(OSA) treatment which a breathing problem during sleep. the phospholipids element in banana will continue active in your mouth for 6 hours time that usually the normal time for sleeping time. 

banana.no insomnia.no OSA

luv luv luv


  1. Awak mmg sllu nyanyi + mnari lagu banana nie kat blik eh...huhuuXD~~~

  2. mana ade. saya x suka makan pisang!. saya x insomnia so x yah makan pun= xyah nyanyi+ menari. weeeekk~
